Friday, April 25, 2014

Dental Technician
Duties and Responsibilities: Dental and ophthalmic laboratory technicians and medical appliance technicians construct, fit, or repair devices that increase function in the lives of patients. These devices include dentures, eyeglasses, and prosthetics. Dental and ophthalmic laboratory technicians and medical appliance technicians typically do the following:
·        Follow detailed work orders and prescriptions
·        Decide which materials and tools will be needed
·        Bend, form, and shape fabric or material
·        Use hand or power tools to polish and shape the devices
·        Adjust devices to allow for a more natural look or to improve function
Salary: $36,090
Education: There are no formal educational requirements to become a dental laboratory technician; most technicians have at least a high school diploma. Some community colleges and technical or vocational schools have formal education programs, but such aren’t common. High school students interested in becoming dental laboratory technicians or medical appliance technicians should take courses in science, mathematics, computer programming, and art.

Reflection: I wouldn’t like to be a Dental Technician because I’m interested in something different.

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